Oliver 5025.003 L 18” Cut Off Saw

2014 Oliver 5025.003 L 18” Cut Off Saw

MA ID: SCM - 13531
Price: $5,500.00

Cutoff/Miter/Toe Notchers

Manufacturer: Oliver
Model: 5025
Year of Manufacture: 2014
Condition: Very Good
Electric: 230 Voltage 60 Cycle 3 Phase
Oliver Cut Off Saw


Main Motor: 7-1/2 HP

Arbor Speed: 3450 rpm

Cutting Capacity at MAX Height: 4-1/4" x 9-3/4"

Cutting Capacity Width: 1" x 13-3/8"

Table Size: 26-1/4" x 27-1/2"

Table Height: 32-3/4"

Air Supply Required (cfm/psi): 15 cfm / 70 psi

Cycles per Minute (max): 60

Dust Port: 4"

Shipping Footprint: 4 (length) x 4 (width) x 5 (height)
Weight: 1000 lbs
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